This lesson deals with the Carnatic wars, Anglo Mysore Wars and the Anglo Maratha wars and other annexations of British.
Unit IV
British Expansion In India
Carnatic Wars
First Carnatic War (1746-1748)
* Austrian war of Succession in Europe.
Course of War:
* Due to Austrian war of succession, there was a fight between the British and The French in Europe. It reflected in India too. British was defeated and the French captured Madras.
* British complained to Anwaruddin, the then Arcot Nawab. He supported the English and waged a war against the French.
* So, Battle of Santhome took place between French headed by Lt.Paradise and the forces of Arcot Nawab Anwaruddin headed by Mafuz Khan on Adyar River Bank.
* The war ended with the Treaty Of Aix-la-Chapelle.
* This war ended when the Austrian War ended.
Second Carnatic War (1749-1754)
* War of succession in b after the death of Nizam-ul-mulk Asaf Shah.
* Two members Muzzafar zang and Nazir zang fought between themselves for succession.
* War of Succession at Carnatic between Chanda Sahib and Anwaruddin.
* French supported Chanda Sahib and British supported Anwaruddin.
Couse of War:
* In the Battle of Ambur, French forces defeated Anwaruddin and killed him. Then they made Chanda Sahib as the Nawab.
* But after that a British force commanded by Robert Clive attacked Chanda Sahib. There was a Battle of Arcot, in which Chanda Sahib was killed.
* Robert Clive was henceforth known as the Hero of Arcot.
* Since French was defeated Dupleix was recalled to France.
* Second carnatic war was concluded with the Treaty of Pondicherry (1754).
Third Carnatic War (1756-1763)
* Seven Years War in Europe.
Course of War:
* In the Battle of Wandhavasi, the french troops was completely defeated by British Force Commanded by Sir Eyre Coote.
* Sir Eyre Coote was henceforth called as Hero Of Wandhavasi.
* After this war , French's thought of capturing India was buried.
* British gave Pondicherry, Mahe, Yanam and Chandranagore to french to rule within that.
* The war came to end with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
Note: In 1954, all French territories were voluntarily given by French Government by means of Diplomatic Relation.
To be continued...............
Unit IV
British Expansion In India
Carnatic Wars
First Carnatic War (1746-1748)
* Austrian war of Succession in Europe.
Course of War:
* Due to Austrian war of succession, there was a fight between the British and The French in Europe. It reflected in India too. British was defeated and the French captured Madras.
* British complained to Anwaruddin, the then Arcot Nawab. He supported the English and waged a war against the French.
* So, Battle of Santhome took place between French headed by Lt.Paradise and the forces of Arcot Nawab Anwaruddin headed by Mafuz Khan on Adyar River Bank.
* The war ended with the Treaty Of Aix-la-Chapelle.
* This war ended when the Austrian War ended.
Second Carnatic War (1749-1754)
* War of succession in b after the death of Nizam-ul-mulk Asaf Shah.
* Two members Muzzafar zang and Nazir zang fought between themselves for succession.
* War of Succession at Carnatic between Chanda Sahib and Anwaruddin.
* French supported Chanda Sahib and British supported Anwaruddin.
Couse of War:
* In the Battle of Ambur, French forces defeated Anwaruddin and killed him. Then they made Chanda Sahib as the Nawab.
* But after that a British force commanded by Robert Clive attacked Chanda Sahib. There was a Battle of Arcot, in which Chanda Sahib was killed.
* Robert Clive was henceforth known as the Hero of Arcot.
* Since French was defeated Dupleix was recalled to France.
* Second carnatic war was concluded with the Treaty of Pondicherry (1754).
Third Carnatic War (1756-1763)
* Seven Years War in Europe.
Course of War:
* In the Battle of Wandhavasi, the french troops was completely defeated by British Force Commanded by Sir Eyre Coote.
* Sir Eyre Coote was henceforth called as Hero Of Wandhavasi.
* After this war , French's thought of capturing India was buried.
* British gave Pondicherry, Mahe, Yanam and Chandranagore to french to rule within that.
* The war came to end with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
Note: In 1954, all French territories were voluntarily given by French Government by means of Diplomatic Relation.
To be continued...............
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