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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

—The rules for a competitive examination—       -Civil Services Examination—                                             to be held by the Union Public Service Commission in 2011 for the purpose of filling vacancies in the following services/posts are, with the concurrence of the Ministries concerned and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in respect of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, published for general information :—(i) The Indian Administrative Service.(ii) The Indian Foreign Service.(iii) The Indian Police Service.(iv) The Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service,Group ‘A’.(v) The Indian Audit and Accounts...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Classes Are Back

Now Classes Have Began For The Academic Year 2011-2012. So From Monday There Will Be Regular Updates Of Notes. Those Who Are Preparing For Preliminary Exams, Please Dont Miss This.                                                                                                    Regards,                                                                                                    ...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Now Get Regular Updates On Scholarships, Symposiums, Part Time Jobs And More

Now A New Website To Power The Youngsters With Informations About Scholarships, Symposiums, Workshops, Part Time Jobs And More.. Visit Scholarsh...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Civil Services Examination

Civil Services Examination & Government Posts           The Union Public Services Examination  conducts an exam to choose appropriate members for the higher posts in India. This is called 'Civil Services Examination'. This is conducted every year to choose delegates for the following 22 jobs. 1. Indian Administrative Services (IAS) 2. Indian  Police Services (IPS) 3. Indian Foreign Services (IFS) 4. Indian P&T Accounts And Finance Service, Group 'A' 5. Indian Audit And Accountants Service, Group 'A' 6. Indian Customs And Central Excise Service, Group 'A' 7. Indian Defence Accountants Service Exam, Group 'A' 8. Indian Revenue Services, Group 'A' 9. Indian Ordinance Factories Service , Group 'A' (Assistant     Manager Non Technical) 10....

Dont Hesitate ; We Can

                   Nowadays, many youngsters wish moreover dream to become IAS and IPS officers. It is a pretty easy job. But at the same time, to get it, one have to work hard and wise.              A degree (whatever it may be) is enough to write civil services examination. But at the same time, to write this competitive examination, one has to be sportive and hard working.             Those who appears successful in the UPSC civil services examination are recruited to jobs like IAS (Indian Administrative Services) and IPS (Indian Police Services). Apart from, there is an opportunity for them to join in other ares like railways and in similar jobs in Union Territories.   ...

Intro To UPSC

                 Among the comments i received, the most important request  is from the students of First and Second year from various universities even from students of IIT to tell them about the UPSC civil service examinations. Though there are many websites to provide question papers, there are only one or two websites to tell about the basics, eligibility and other such stuffs. I wish to explain every Nook and Corner of it.                  Extend your Encouragements by giving comments.                                                           ...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Making Notes - Madam Subhra

This is a very important process. You have millions of books and they seem intimidating at times. It's always a good idea to make notes. First, do not ever make notes in your first reading. I would go for notes maybe in 2nd or better in 3rd read. There are many kind of notes that you can make. 1) If you select certain most important topics in your optionals, eg distt administration, RTI in pub ad, then select the best books for that topic and write all of that on A4 sized sheets. select such 50 60 topics from your optionals by looking at the pattern of paper and make the best notes possible. Initially it seems like a lot of hard work. But it really helps. I made such notes for about 80-90 topics in Pub ad. Remember, you can not afford to leave the rest of the syllabus. because even...

Compulsory English and regional language papers

Now this post is very important for the people who are writing this year mains. Why? Every year thousands of candidates are disqualified because they fail to clear either of these 2 exams. The process is that first UPSC evaluates the language papers, and if you qualify them, only then your GS, optional and essay papers are evaluated. All your hard work would go to waste if you fail to qualify the language papers. For people who are weak in English, buy a good gramma book, a dictionary and last 10 yrs english papers. Start working on this from now onwards.Even people whose english is fine, plz do not forget to buy the last 10 yr questions and go through them to see what kind of questions are asked just so that you are not surprised in the exam. Same thing would hold for regional language...

Monday, July 4, 2011

TIPS For Political Science Preparation (Optional Subject)

Reading List for Political Science (Prelims and Main)  The Constitution of India-D.D. BasuAn Introduction to Political Theory-O.P. GaubaSpectrum's Political Science for PrelimsThe Constitution of India-P.M.Bakshi Political Theory-Amal Ray, Mohit Bhattacharya Comparative Politics-Ronald Chilcote Our Parliament-S.C. Kashyap History of Political Thought-Subrata Mukherjee, Susheela Ramaswamy A History of Political Thought-J.P. SudaFoundations of Indian Political Thought-V.R. MehtaModern Political Theory-S.P. Verma Western Political Thought-R.M. Bhagat Andrew Heywood-Politics Andrew Heywood-Political Theory: An IntroductionComparative Politics-J.C. Johari History of Political Thought- George Sabine Politics among Nations-Hans Morgenthau A few tips:  1. Look up Wikipedia for the latest...

TIPS For Sociology Preparation (Optional Subject)

Reading List for Sociology (Main)  Shri. Upendra Gaur’s class notes Sociology-Tom Bottomore Sociology-Michael Haralambos Classical Sociological Theory-George Ritzer Tribal India-Nadeem Hasnain Modernization of Indian Tradition-Yogendra Singh Changing India-Robert Stern A few tips:   1. Refer to IGNOU notes for the new topics introduced in Paper II 2. Make sure you mention case studies in Paper II answers 3. Make good notes on topics like ethnicity, religion, caste, environment, women’s movement, tribal movement, political parties, pressure groups, judiciary, etc. which are common to Political Science, Sociology, GS or Essay as it’ll help you to optimize your preparation. 4. Read the questions carefully in both optionals before answering. More often than not the second part...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Free IAS Coaching For Students From Tamil Nadu

Chennai Manidhaneyam IAS Academy is inviting applications for the free coaching for the CSAT examination-2012. Examinations are going to be conducted in  Chennai,Vellore,Salem,Erode,Coimbatore,Karur,Trichy,Madurai, Tirunelveli,Sivangangai,Ramnad,Chidambara. For those selected everything including hostel fees is free. Nearly 50% of IAS aspirants from Tamil Nadu study in this prestigious accademy. Hurry . Important Dates Last Date for Registration - 10 July 2011 Hall ticket Download start Date - 12-July-2011 Hall ticket Download End Date - 16-July-2011 Entrance Exam Date - 17-July-2011 To register, click register.  To know details, click details. To visit the site, click si...

Friday, May 27, 2011

There is some technical and non technical problems in here. Posts and question papers will be posted again regularly from July? Sorry for the inconvenien...

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