This page gives a detailed list of the dates the posts are issued, topics covered and the index number of the class. Clicking on the link takes you to the corresponding link.
* Here these symbols denote the classes which are finished and the notes of which are not updated still
Class No Lesson No Topics Covered
C1 _ Lessons in Indian History.Introduction about Indian History.
C2 I 1 Coming Of Europeans. Covers only the
C2 II 1 Covers The British
C2 III 1 Covers details about the Dutch and the French.
C3 I 2 The Later Mughals. Gives all details about the
last eight Mughal Emperors in India
C3 II 3 Regional Kingdoms (Covers only the Bengal)
C4 3 Covers the Kingdoms Of Hyderabad and Oudh.
C5 I 5 British Expansion In India. Covers all the Carnatic wars
C5 II 5 Covers all the Anglo Mysore Wars
C5 III 5 Covers all the Anglo Maratha Wars
C5 IV 5 Covers Annexations without war
C6 4 Marathas under Peshwas. Covers the rule of Marathas
rule under peshwas.