1.Consider the following facts about a country in Africa:
1. This country was once known as Economic Power House of West Africa
2. It is world's largest producer of cocoa and third largest producer of coffee.
3. In recent times, there is a political turmoil in this country following the presidential election leading to widespread coverage in media all over world.
Identify this country from the given options:
(D)Côte d'Ivoire
2.Hashim Thaci, who is facing charges of Human Trafficking is prime minister of which among the following countries / territories ?
(D)Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.Indian Navy and which among the following Navies have regularly conducted joint exercises named 'INDRA' since 2003?
4.In which state are located the Integrated Kashang Hydroelectric Project & Sainj Hydroelectric Project which are being supported by Asian Development Bank ?
(A)Jammu & Kashmir
(B)Himachal Pradesh
5.Consider the following:
1. Near Infrared
2. Mid Infrared
3. Far Infrared
Which among the following is the correct order of increasing wavelength of the above?
(A)1 2 3
(B)3 2 1
(C)2 1 3
(D)3 1 2
6.Where are the headquarters of National Cadet Corps ?
(B)New Delhi
7.The Indo-UK Task Force has been created for which among the following ?
(A)Military Affairs
(B)Corporate Affairs
(C)Social Affairs
(D)Bilateral Issues
8.In the 11th plan the share of which among the following kinds of electricity has decreased from 2007-2010 period?
(A)Nuclear Power Capacity
(B)Thermal Power Capacity
(C)Hydro Power Capacity
(D)Solar Power Capacity
9.Consider the following statements:
1. Government of India is planning to invest one trillion US dollar on infrastructure in 12th five Year Plan
2. Half of this investment is envisaged to be financed through private sources
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
(A)Only 1
(B)Only 2
(C)Both 1 & 2
(D)Neither 1 nor 2
10.Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR) comes in which among the following categories?
(A)Mini Ratna
(D)None of them
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